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  • Writer's pictureJulia

Easy Stuffed Peppers

As we shift into the colder months, we naturally gravitate to heartier, comforting meals. These stuffed peppers are an amazing addition to your weeknight dinner menu! They're gooey, cheesy, packed with nutrition, and are easy to make.

These store really well in the fridge and freezer too. You can get creative with the fillings too- swap white rice for brown, use quinoa instead, or simply stuff them with ground protein of choice/veggies if you'd like a lower-carb option. I added broccoli to my stuffing mixture, for extra vitamins, minerals and fiber. Plus, cruciferous veggies like broccoli help support the liver in the detoxification of substances including endocrine disrupting chemicals, which can impact your hormone health. Broccoli is an all-star veggie that I try and incorporate often into my diet!

Make a big batch at the beginning of the week, and you'll have an easy grab-and-go homemade, healthy meal to get through the week. These are perfect to pack up for work or school lunches.

Here's how to make them.

This makes 6-8 stuffed peppers

You’ll need:

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 small yellow onion, diced

1 cup small cut broccoli florets (or other veggie like zucchini or carrots)

2 cups cooked rice

1 cup tomato sauce or pasta sauce of choice

Spice mix (1 tsp garlic powder, ½-1 tsp salt, generous pepper, ½ tsp paprika)

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

A few drops of tabasco (optional)

1 bag dairy-free/regular shredded cheese of choice (about 3 cups)

1 package plant-based meat/ground meat of choice (I’m using Beyond Meat Ground Beef)

¼ cup finely chopped parsley


1. Preheat oven to 375 F.

2. Cook rice according to package directions and set aside.

3. Heat a pan on medium with olive oil, add in the garlic, onion, meat and spice mix, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce. Cook the meat through and add in the broccoli, rice, pasta sauce, parsley and shredded cheese.

4. Cook for a few mins longer and remove from heat.

5. Prep the peppers: cut off the tops of the peppers and remove the seeds from the insides.

6. Brush each pepper with a little bit of oil. Place each pepper upright in a casserole dish. Spoon the meat/rice mixture into each pepper, filling up to the top. Top each with more cheese.

7. Add in a splash of water to cover the bottom of the casserole dish, and bake for 15-20 mins uncovered until the cheese is bubbly and golden brown.

8. Serve and enjoy! These keep well in the fridge and also freeze well too.

Hope you love these- tag me on IG if you try them! Keep following along at @aspoonfulofscience on instagram for more recipes and healthy lifestyle tips.

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